Please remember as you review this website it is ultimately designed and being used as a showcase to record and illustrate the fact that my wife Diane Marie Swenson ran away from me and took our children Rachel and Andrew with her.
State-Sponsored kidnapping, Unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, conspiracy to keep my children from me.........
Just how many other Criminal Actions and Conspiracies are there?
Just how many laws have been broken here?
On a secondary note it also illuminates the State and Merchant assissted, State sponsored Larceny of my property, listed on the back of the Original Affidavit.
To start, the State of Idaho joined with her on a temporary restraining order for her and against me based on lies on November 29, 1996.
Then the State of Idaho joined with her on a 90 day restraining order for her and against me based on lies on December 11, 1996.
She then took items that she wanted from my stotage facility and ran away with Rachel and Andrew.
And I have never seen or heard from my children again.
All this with the sanction and support of the Benewah County Court in St. Marie Idaho, various figures within the Civil Government in St. Maries and Benewah County, with the help from Attorney Craig Mosmon in Moscow Idaho whose bill was paid by paramour Earl Norman (Norm) Utter of Vancouver Washington and Corey Wolfe of Battleground Washington and God only knows who else.
The Original Affidavit expalins the start of my receipt of the actions of the Mixed-War from the State (both De-Facto and Provisional-Government) has been performing against me since Novenber 29, 1996 consisting of:
State sponsored kidnapping,
State sponsored theft,
Destruction of contracts of mine by threat, duress, menace and fraud,
Causing me losses of unknown value to me and my Children,
Causing debts to be created by the De-Facto and Provisional-Governments of unknown amounts,
Causing breaches of obligation of unknown breadth, depth and result,
Causing injuries of unlimited scope and degree.
All which illustrate the following:
The dangers of the State joining with an unverified Affidavit.
The dangers of the State not doing what you expect them to do (within the Court System).
The dangers of the State not doing what you expect them to do (executive to Court).
The dangers of the State not doing what you expect them to do (law enforcement to executive).
The dangers of the State not doing what you expect them to do (law enforcement to Court).
Here is the Original Affidavit dated March 1998.
Reference Affidavit #1.
The Original Affidavit March 1998