So, I ask myself after getting escorted out of the US Courthouse in Boise after watching a really neat US Marshall version of a Chinese Fire Drill, just what is the role of a US Marshall in my using the Federal Courthouse (That I pay for)?
Letter Clark and Lockett 073008
I get a letter from the General Accounting Office. Oh darn, they have no Jurisdiction over any affairs in the State of Idaho. I wish I had used a Federal Court! Hey, wait a minute....
Letter GAO 090808
There is a letter missing that should be above the GAO letter and it isn't here.
So, I send a 2nd letter to John Clark and Robert Lockett. Why have I seen no reply?
Letter to Clark and Lockett 093008
Of the 17.
I file my papers in Tacoma. I get ignored/forgotten? I ask to get in to get help.
--Reference Affidavit #22--
Affidavit Request Initial Appearance 093008 filed 100708
Robert Lockett sends me a letter that addresses none of my concerns. I did not get escorted out. He is not an employee of the Federal Court. An excellent non-answer to each and every one of my specific concerns.
Letter from Lockett 100708
I have come to the conclusion I need help.
I send an Affidavit and letter to the Grand Jury in Seattle.
Letter to Grand Jury Seattle 100708
This is the Affidavit I sent the Grand Jury in Seattle.
Affidavit Request Initial Appearance 093008 filed 100708
Postal receipt from October 7, 2008 where I paid postage to get my letter and Affidavit to the Grand Jury in Seattle.
Post Office Receipt 100708
RB Leighton has done nothing with my Criminal Complaints. Whoops! I was assigned miscellaneous case #'s!!! Is this why I had to pay for a Constitutionally Guaranteed process? I wonder if the Clerks Office is instructed to deflect people like me by starting me out in the wrong place? Why would they do that? Or did I go to the wrong place and no one told me/has told me to this point?
Letter to Leighton 100808
I get an order back from RB Leighton.
Order from Leighton 101408
I send another letter to Robert Lockett. I asked all the important questions. To this Date I have received no reply.
Letter to Lockett 101408
I send a letter to the Comptroller General. I ask why I got a generic reply to my Affidavits.
Letter to Walker at GAO 102008
I get a letter from Westinghouse intending to be a substitution for a reply from Westinghouse.
Letter from Westinghouse 102708.
I send a letter to the Grand Jury Foreman in Seattle asking if he/she got the 1st letter.
111608 Letter to Grand Jury in Seattle
I send another letter to Westinghouse.
Letter to Westinghouse 111708
Postal receipt from November 18, 2008 where I paid postage to get the 2 above letter to Seattle.
Post Office Receipt 111708
I get another letter from Westinghouse.
Letter from Westinghouse 112408
I get Report and Recommendation from Boyle in Boise.
Report and Recommendation from Boyle 120108
I send a letter to Westinghouse. I assign him the job of Gatekeeper for me. Why did he get stuck with me.
Letter to Westinghouse 121708.
I get an order adapting report and recommendation from Lodge and Burke in Idaho.
It's Official! I am prohibited 010709 from Lodge
I send a letter to James Duff Administrator US Courts.
James C. Duff 011309
Of the 18.
Now I have proof of no help from the Judge in Tacoma.
So I recognize the Fraud in Affidavit #23.
--Reference Affidavit #23--
Affidavit Fraud Initial Appearance Leighton 123008 filed 012009
Of the 19.
Trying my Distress after website repair.
Distress of R.B Leighton Surety Bond.
--Reference Affidavit #24--
Distress 010509
This is one of my favorite letters I have gotten back.
This is the letter I got back from Burke.
020909 Letter to Burke returned to me with nifty blue arrow